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Grand Rapids, Michigan

Rover Haven is a maker of custom shell cordovan watch straps. 

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The Rover Haven Blog

Light hearted writing about watches, life, and the intersection of watches and life.  

Through the Decades: Collecting the Boker 9361 Scout/Utility Knife, Part 2.

Myron Erickson

Part 2 in a two-part article on the Boker 9361 scout/utility knife. This part picks up the story in the mid-1960’s and carries it through to the end, covering several changes of Boker ownership. The 9361 kept its basic format, but the devil is in the details of tang stamps, nail nicks, and Tree branding. Under Cooper Group ownership in the 1980’s, quality plummeted, but it ended on a good note with some very unusually marked knives assembled in Germany.

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Through the Decades: Collecting the Boker 9361 Scout/Utility Knife, Part 1.

Myron Erickson

Part 1 of a two-part article on collecting a classic American pocket knife, the Boker 9361. Produced from the mid-1920’s to the late-1980’s, this four-blade scout/utility knife has been carried by scouts, soldiers, engineers, campers, and handymen for six decades. While the basic format remained the same over the years, its consistent quality and numerous variations produced give the 9361 wonderful collectible potential.

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Paired for adventure: the Omega Seamaster 300 ref 165.024 and Case 6445R scout/utility knife.

Myron Erickson

It’s 1967 and you’re planning a multi-week camping trip by Jeep and canoe. What wristwatch and pocket knife do you bring? Two timelessly classic tools are paired and put to use, the Omega Seamaster 300 ref 165.024 and the Case Model 6445R scout/utility knife. Swiss brilliance and American muscle pair up to get the job done, while an old father-son canoe path is re-paddled.

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Song of the Humpback: Collecting the Böker 182 and Other Humpback 6-Bladed Scout/Camp Knives

Myron Erickson

Many collectors will be familiar with the Böker Model 182 and its characteristic humpback shape. But a deeper dive reveals many more historical makers of the pattern. Fans of traditional American scout and camp knives, the Victorinox Spartan, and Confusing Fall Warbler-esque collector rabbit holes may find themselves seduced by the song of the humpback.

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Week on the wrist with the Seiko SPB213, Part 2: Upper Peninsula Michigan Adventure.

Myron Erickson

In which the author concludes a two-part post on the Seiko SPB213. Follow along and see how the Seiko SPB213 performed as 24/7 timekeeping companion on a 4WD tour of Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula. Does the mid-level Seiko dive watch prove as reliable and trusty as the Michigan landscape proves remote and rugged? Only two weeks on the wrist would tell.

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